I'm taking this subject to the development mailing list :-)

Magnus Sundberg heeft op dinsdag, 1 apr 2003 om 09:48 (Europe/Amsterdam) het volgende geschreven:

Hi again,
I have been thinking more of how people store mail on the server.
I have another space saving idea.
I beleive many people file their sent mail somewhere, I know I file it on the server in a folder named sent. Mozilla mail copies the mail with imap to the sent mail folder. Now there are two identical messageblock data on the server (if the mail was internal). One that belong to the recipient(s) and one that belongs to the sender.
Still thinking of splitting the messageblks in two pieces
If we added a checksum record to the messageblks table we could easily find duplicate blocks and replace them. I was thinking of some kind low priority process that operates on the database when it is not that busy, which calculates a checksum and removes duplicate message data.

But there is still the question is it worth the effort?

I beleive that making the database layout change and corresponding code changes to make it possible to share message data between users is not that difficult. You will still get 1000 copies of the same message sent to 1000 users. Doing the actual storing of only one message block is a much bigger change, that could be done in a later release.


Eelco van Beek - IC&S wrote:
Hi all,
Roel is currently planning the implementation of public folders as next big thing. This will indeed require changes to the original dbmail database layout. We'll keep you all informed!
On maandag, maa 31, 2003, at 21:16 Europe/Amsterdam, Jeff Brenton wrote:
Hello Blake,

BM> After reading the kind of internal changes required to make this
BM> work, one thing does come to mind. It sounds like public folders
BM> would solve this problem.

If the attempt to replace Exchange Server is truly serious, public
folders must be implemented in some form. Some organizations LIVE by
their public folders, which prevents them from even considering
non-Microsoft solutions.

Jeff Brenton
Engineered Software Products, Inc
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