hi Richard,

Thanks for the kind remarks!

I plan on making dbmail the center piece of a scalable mail hub that
will include other feature and am wondering what kind of large scale,
both number of users and message throughput per day, people have set up
and in production.

The largest mailsite we're currently hosting has about 22000 accounts with about 32000 aliases. I have no idea what the throughput is on a daily basis (the smtp servers (2) are doing an 24 hour averange of about 200 kbit / sec with load avg of about 0.2. The DBserver has a load of about 0.4). This is dbmail running with postgresql as DB backend. We've noticed that mysql(+innodb) is running at lower loads in comparable situations.

Best regards,


On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 16:57, Paul Stevens wrote:
Ryan Butler wrote:

Do you have a alter table statement floating around that modifies the
stock table to use your indexes and constraints?

Hi Ryan,

I'm currently using:

alter table mailboxes add index (owner_idnr);
alter table mailboxes add index (name);
alter table mailboxes add index (is_subscribed);
alter table messages add index(mailbox_idnr);
alter table messages add index(seen_flag);

alter table mailboxes add foreign key (owner_idnr) references
users(user_idnr) on delete cascade;
alter table messages add foreign key (mailbox_idnr) references
mailboxes(mailbox_idnr) on delete cascade;
alter table messageblks add foreign key (message_idnr) references
messages(message_idnr) on delete cascade;

But mind you, I'm no innodb nor sql expert. My experience is mostly
limited to good-old (my)isam limited sql. So any ideas for improvements
that are actually based on a closer examination of the actual queries
used by dbmail are most welcome I'm sure. I guess more experience with
larger deployments will tell.

   Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl

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