> Also on deletions - it would be great to have a 'deleted timestamp'
> (forgive me if this is in the upcoming 2.0 release, I haven't
> checked the code). That way you can purge messages from the database
> once they've been *marked as deleted* for more than <user
> configurable> days. A grace-period if you will where helpdesks can
> 'save the day' for unsavvy users.

Um, this is already possible.

On our sites, we run the dbmail-maint program each morning, deleting
messages that the system has tagged as deleted (status 003), then
marking user-deleted messages (status 002) as system deleted. This
gives at least 24 hours for a customer to decide that they need to
have a message undeleted.

On a client's site, that task is only run on the first of the month,
giving 28+ days. Putting it on a weekly cron job would do the same,
with a 7 day minimum grace period.

Implementing a by-timestamp would be simple enough, though. Just add a
timestamp field to the table. The last user-induced change would be
the deleting the message. You could then run a query to make changes
based upon status=002 and timestamp older than X days to change the
status to 003, then let the normal maintenance program take over at
that point for the final deletion.

Jeff Brenton
Engineered Software Products, Inc
Questionable web page: http://dididahdahdidit.com

Liberalism grants you the freedom to advocate any idea*.
 * Please see http://www.dididahdahdidit.com/except.php for a
   current list of exceptions

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