Brett (Mare) Henley wrote:
Hello everyone,
  I heard about DBmail on Freshmeat Monday and decided to try it out.
It seems to have promise. But I found a few things that I hope will help make
using it a bit better.
  1. the has 3 errors in it. lines 65. 68 I believe there needs to be
a space after that [ so it reads [ -f instead of [-f. and line 118 you need
to reference ./ instead of otherwise they

dont use Use configure in stead.

  there is also a bug in the but I haven't spent much time
on it yet I'm afraid.

try make install

  I built Postgres7.4Beta (yes I know it's beta code) for the db. And tried to
  I used thunderbird 0.2 as my mail agent to test out the imap4 functions. and
I'm not sure if i'm not abusing the system or what.
  imap worked, it slowly fed the message list to thunderbird and after about
30 minutes I had all 5255 messages. (Yes I used a very huge mailbox)

Not so very huge. Your tables are braindead if you're using the default schema. The mysql version was much improved and postgres will like dbmail better if you add:

create index name_idx on mailboxes(name);
create index owner_id_idx on mailboxes(owner_idnr);
create index is_subscribed_idx on mailboxes(is_subscribed);
create index mailbox_id_idx on messages(mailbox_idnr);
create index seen_flag_idx on messages(seen_flag);
create index unique_id_idx on messages(unique_id);
create index status_idx on messages(status);

alter table messages add foreign key (mailbox_idnr) references
  mailboxes(mailbox_idnr) on delete cascade;
alter table mailboxes add foreign key (owner_idnr) references
  users(user_idnr) on delete cascade;
alter table messageblks add foreign key (message_idnr) references
  messages(message_idnr) on delete cascade;

Ilja: fix the tables for postgres perhaps ?

  Paul Stevens                                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Netherlands________________________________

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