Hi all - 

I'm just looking ahead now and trying to see how well dbmail will scale with
larger deployments.

We're currently running dbmail with:
- Dual Xeon 2.4G processors / SCSI Disks
- MySQL/InnoDB
- roughly 90k mailboxes
- 100G of mail data
- alias selection offloaded to smtp servers (we don't use aliases table we
deliver straight to userid)
- Load average between 0.4 and 2.5 on a dual processor machine, averaging at
around the .8 mark (so say 50% load)

We have 4 machines handling SMTP/Virus/Spam filtering and then handing it to
dbmail-smtp for delviery, and 3 machines doing POP/IMAP -- all of which are
light-moderate loaded.

I've been posed the question by management lately -- how would dbmail scale
if we wanted to offer say 3 Million mailboxes, rather than just the current
limit I see of 100-200k mailboxes using my current setup?

Ideas that spring to mind are:

Clustered databases
Oracle or some database with multiple write masters and cluser-wide locking
for writes springs to mind. I understand there is problems with MySQL
one-way replication and directing all writes to a master server, but reads
from multiple slaves - due to write-locking not being supported thus the
slave getting out of sync with the master, etc. I scanned the list again
recently but couldn't find any obvious posts with solutions for this. 

Last minute addition >> I notice SAP DB is now MySQL MaxDB and is available.
Anyone looked at this as a viable backend for dbmail?  Can't for the life of
me find the details on replication support/etc on the site...

Partitioned databases
The old customea A-E on database server 1, F-L on database server 2, etc.
This would seem to do the trick, although with dbmail it may be user_idnr
1-50,000 on DB1, 50,001-100,000 on DB2 I guess, with some sort of central
mailbox -> store index table. I haven't looked at the code for 2.0 recently,
but from memory 1.x maintained a persistent connection with the mailstore,
thus this could be quite bad if there were say 100 database servers. I'm not
sure what the overhead would be for connection setup/teardown if doing
dynamic connections to different servers.

Any other ideas? (even if not likely to be implemented officially by dbmail
-- may code our own variation if needed).

Mark Mackay.

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