On Nov 18, 2003, at 7:46 PM, Gary Murphy wrote:

For a more radical storage saving approach we could consider storing only one copy of a message for all recipients within the database. This is the approach Oracle uses for its email package. My users are insisting on this
so, I am already working to make it happen.  However, the change will
require a large number of the base db_ methods be changed, one or two new recipient delivery db_ methods created, one table added but physmessage can be removed, and delivery code modified to store only one copy of the message in messages and messagblks. Finally, dbmail-smtp needs to be called only once with a list of all database recipients or a generic database-to address and recipients contained within the header, which will have to be parsed.
Quick question. Why remove physmessage? Can't you use it to your advantage here? The physmessage table already makes sure that multiple copies of a single message will only be stored as messageblocks once. You should be able to use this to allow multiple users to use the same physmessage. Or is there something I'm not taking into account here?

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