> Hi!

> Thank you for answer!
No probs, hope to resolve this.
> I have the same problem with 1.26 :(
> >>Did you pass any options to the compiler when building dbmail?
> No. At this time only "-g3" for more comfortable testing.
Should be fine

> >>What version of gcc are you using? 'gcc -v'
> 2.95.4
Same as what I'm using.

> >>What version release of freebsd are you using?
> 4.7R
Should be fine, I'm running 4.8 p20.

> >>Do you have any other options like pop before smtp enabled?
> Yes, I use "pop before smtp".

Does the same happen without pop before smtp?

I presume your using mysql? If so what mysql client library are you using?

What versions of gmake (gmake -v) are you using?

What were the exact install procedures you did?


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