What are the hardware specifications of you dbmail server ?
How many users do you have ?
How many email do you process each day ?

Bien à vous

Jacques Beaudoin
Agent d'administration
Les services des technologies
de l'information et des communications
Commission scolaire de la Pointe de l'Île
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Selon "\"Simon Gray\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I've been looking through ways of optimizing our dbmail setup. Other
> than rearranging the indexing and reducing the number of queries, I was
> thinking about moving some of the temporary tables over to the mysql
> heap(memory) engine type instead of myisam/innodb since the content of
> these tables aren't permanent and only used short term.
> If these tables were in memory it should remove some database i/o
> overhead from the dbmail-smtp/pop3/imap process.
> The only down side I can see to using heap is that it doesn't support
> auto-increment and database data is lost on restart, other than that
> might make a slight improvement on speed for busy setups.
> Lots of the tables seem to contain a unique index on a primary key,
> which seems a bit odd since a primary key needs to be unique by default.
> A primary key alone should be fine?
> In some cases messages table has a primary key, key and unique index all
> on the same row (again surely only a primary key is needed?). Such as
> the users table there are the following:
>    PRIMARY KEY (user_idnr),
>    KEY user_idnr (user_idnr, userid),
>    UNIQUE useridnr_2 (user_idnr, userid),
>    UNIQUE userid_2 (userid)
> Surely just PRIMARY KEY (user_idnr, userid) should do fine?
> I'm by no means a database expert, but just looking towards ways of
> helping dbmail scale better.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
> Simon
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