Hi Ilja and the all the dbmail 2.0 developers.

Thanks for your fine work on dbmail 1 and 2.

Im in the process of setting up a new mail server.

Since dbmail 2.0 is out I will now consentrate on 2.0.

I have 2 small questions.

What mail clients will be abel to use ACL and Namespace ?

We use horde/imp 3.2.6 as are webmail and I dont se any parameters
in IMP 3.2.6 about ACL and Namespace if anybody is using horde/imp should i
take a look at horde/imp 4.0 to implement ACL and Namespace with DMAIL 2.0.

Bien à vous

Jacques Beaudoin
Agent d'administration
Les services des technologies
de l'information et des communications
Commission scolaire de la Pointe de l'Île
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Selon Ilja Booij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> After a long time of hacking, adding features, breaking and fixing
> things and too many release candidates, DBMail 2.0.0 is finally out!
> Many thanks go to our dedicated developers, especially Aaron Stone and
> Paul J Stevens, but also to everyone else who has contributed through
> patches, bug reports, suggestions and opinions.
> A list of changes, compared to version 1.2.x is below. DBMail 2.0.0
> can be downloaded from the download page.
> Changes from 1.2.x to 2.0:
> New features:
>     * LMTP (Local Mail Transport Protocol) daemon:
>       Messages can enter the DBMail system via LMTP. The major
> difference between using dbmail-smtp and dbmail-lmtpd is that the
> former starts a new process on every delivery, while the latter is a
> daemon.
>     * IMAP Protocol enhancements
>           o ACL (Access Control Lists) support.
>           o NAMESPACE support
>     * PID file
>       DBMail daemons now leave a PID (Process ID) file on startup,
> which can help startup and shutdown scripts.
> Changes
>     * MySQL is supported from version 4.0.12 upward. Earlier versions
> of MySQL will not work!
>     * dbmail-adduser has been renamed to dbmail-users to better
> reflect what it's used for, namely: adding and removing users, and
> changing user information.
>     * dbmail-maintenance has been renamed to dbmail-util.
>     * Command line options for all DBMail programs have changed.
> Please take a look at the manual pages of all programs to get familiar
> with them.
>     * Programs are placed in /usr/local/sbin by default, instead of
> /usr/local/bin (update your scripts and MTA configuration!)
> Changes for Developers
>     * The build system now uses autotools all the way.
>     * libtool is now also used for building parts of DBMail
>     * The database drivers for MySQL and PostgreSQL have been merged.
> Only two small driver files with MySQL and PostgreSQL specific
> functions remain.
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> Dbmail mailing list
> Dbmail@dbmail.org
> https://mailman.fastxs.nl/mailman/listinfo/dbmail

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