Let's take this to the dbmail-dev list...

The more I read about this issue, the more the apache way (also used by 
proftpd) comes to mind.

Some users can do whatever they please:

<Protocol POP3 IMAP>
  deny from all
  allow from
  require gid 1
  require user anton
  require user bernard
  require user charlie

only group_id=0 can do IMAP from limited network:

<Protocol IMAP>
  deny from all
  allow from
  require gid 0

reject delivery for disabled accounts:

<Protocol LMTP>
  deny from all
  require valid-account

Of course this would have to be converted into sql tables etc...

I wouldn't mind comparing notes with Ryan on this one.

Jesse Norell wrote:
 Proper support for capabilities is planned, and will be a nice
solution once there (not just a quick hack).  For something trivial
like this, I would wholeheartedly recommend working within the existing
code, otherwise you end up having to maintain your own patch sets every
time you want to upgrade to a newer version of upstream source.

Right,... how do I allow pop/imap access from localhost only for
individual users while allowing from anywhere for some users, and thus
still listening on all interfaces?

  Ah, I didn't catch that the first time... yeah, either make a hack
like you did, or begin work on the actual capabilities implimentation.  :)

Related links:
(first 3 threads)

Jesse Norell
jesse @ kci.net

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