On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 15:20:00 +0200, Paul J Stevens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Martin Strand wrote:
Ok, will it be implemented in 2.2?

Not likely. In 2.3+.

I'm asking cause I'm developing a simple IMAP client - if dbmail won't
support QUOTA within the near future, I'll just skip that part in the
client since everyone who'll use that client will also use our IMAP server.

But currently the mailbox size is not being tracked at all,

Hmm, does this mean that there's really no way to limit the storage
usage  for a particular user?

Nono, quota are very much implemented on the user level.

Ok, thanks. :)
It's just that I had this user once who received a message which was 3 times bigger than her maxmail_size. The message only appeared in 'messages' but not in 'messageblks'. This was on dbmail 1.2.x though.


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