>> Simon wrote:
>>>>> It looks like we have reached the Max_data_length for the
>>>>> dbmail_messageblks table, this is currently 4294967295 (which is 4GB
>>>>> im gussing - which is about right). From the mysql docs, this can be
>>>>> easliery solved by running:
>>>>> ALTER TABLE tbl_name MAX_ROWS=1000000000 AVG_ROW_LENGTH=nnn;

S> For those who are interested, i have solved this in a different way 
S> (thanks Mark!). The above ALTER would have taken quite an amount of time
S> (downtime) to solve doing it either a ALTER or dumping the data then 
S> reimporting after the ALTER. The way i did it, only took DBMail offline
S> for 5 mins, have testing on development and all works with no issues 
S> (that i can see - any other thoughts here?):

S> Shut down DBMail...

S> RENAME TABLE dbmail_messageblks TO dbmail_messageblks_part1;

S> CREATE TABLE dbmail_messageblks_part2 (
S>     messageblk_idnr bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment,
S>     physmessage_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     messageblk longtext NOT NULL,
S>     blocksize bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     is_header tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     PRIMARY KEY (messageblk_idnr),
S>     INDEX physmessage_id_index (physmessage_id),
S>     INDEX physmessage_id_is_header_index (physmessage_id, is_header)
S> );

S> CREATE TABLE dbmail_messageblks (
S>     messageblk_idnr bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment,
S>     physmessage_id bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     messageblk longtext NOT NULL,
S>     blocksize bigint(21) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     is_header tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
S>     PRIMARY KEY (messageblk_idnr),
S>     INDEX physmessage_id_index (physmessage_id),
S>     INDEX physmessage_id_is_header_index (physmessage_id, is_header)
S> ) TYPE=MERGE UNION(dbmail_messageblks_part1, dbmail_messageblks_part2)

S> Start DBMail with your MTA disabled and test delivery with:

S> echo -e "Subject: test\nFrom: [EMAIL PROTECTED] \n\n" | dbmail-smtp -u
S> username

It's rather interesting decision. I wonder is it real to build
something like an array of merged dbmail_messageblks_partX tables?
In previous maillists I have asked about big dbmail_messageblks table
(now it's around 50Gb) and there was no decision to make OPTIMIZE
TABLE dbmail_messageblks because of it's locking for a long time.
As I understand we can make 10 or X number of dbmail_messageblks
tables and we shall be able to make OPTIMIZE of each table separately.
What do you think about it?

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