Hello everybody!


I need serious help with this issue that suddenly came out:


Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [SELECT 1=1 FROM dbmail_physmessage LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0]

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: header.c,consume_header_line:
end of header found

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: header.c,get_rfc_size:
remaining_len = zd

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mime_readheader(): entering
mime loop

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mime_readheader(): found double
newline; header size: 28 lines

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): mimelist
currently has [17] nodes

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): mail address
parser starting

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): total fields
in header 17

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): scanning for

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): found
[EMAIL PROTECTED], next in list is <null>

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): found 1

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: mail_adr_list(): mail address
parser finished

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: authsql.c,auth_check_user_ext:
checking user [EMAIL PROTECTED] in alias table

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [SELECT deliver_to FROM dbmail_aliases WHERE lower(alias) =
lower('[EMAIL PROTECTED]') AND lower(alias) <> lower(deliver_to)]

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: authsql.c,auth_check_user_ext:
into checking loop

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: authsql.c,auth_check_user_ext:
checking user [EMAIL PROTECTED] to 44

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: authsql.c,auth_check_user_ext:
checking user [44] in alias table

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [SELECT deliver_to FROM dbmail_aliases WHERE lower(alias) =
lower('44') AND lower(alias) <> lower(deliver_to)]

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: authsql.c,auth_check_user_ext:
adding [44] to deliver_to address

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dsn.c, dsnuser_resolve: user
[EMAIL PROTECTED] found total of [1] aliases

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [BEGIN]

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [SELECT user_idnr FROM dbmail_users WHERE
userid='[EMAIL PROTECTED]@__']

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: misc.c,create_unique_id:
created: 2c4721ebc49d32a22d71b434920e59ed

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [SELECT mailbox_idnr FROM dbmail_mailboxes WHERE name='INBOX' AND

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: db.c, db_find_create_mailbox:
mailbox [INBOX] found

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [INSERT INTO dbmail_physmessage (messagesize, internal_date) VALUES

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: executing
query [INSERT INTO dbmail_messages(mailbox_idnr, physmessage_id,
unique_id,recent_flag, status) VALUES ('2', '423701',
'2c4721ebc49d32a22d71b434920e59ed', '1', '5')]

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query: query
[INSERT INTO dbmail_messages(mailbox_idnr, physmessage_id,
unique_id,recent_flag, status) VALUES ('2', '423701',
'2c4721ebc49d32a22d71b434920e59ed', '1', '5')] failed

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: dbmysql.c,db_query:
mysql_real_query failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key
constraint fails

Feb 27 09:58:14 reddevil dbmail/smtp[93568]: db.c,db_insert_message: query


The message base "crashed" (i.e. the error came out) after running
dbmail-util -a -y


There's also a very strange symptom: I am moving a lot of mailboxes from
this server to another one but my dbmail_messageblks won't get smaller. it
used to be 140MB, and it's still 140MB, even if I am sure I pulled out at
least 80Mb of mailboxes.


I run dbmail-util -a every night. the removed mailboxes have all been
deleted, but the one that are left show this error.


I think that some garbage may be left in dbmail_messages and
dbmail_messageblks that dbmail-util is not catching up.


How to check the correctness of referentiality?


Any hint?


Help, help, help.




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