Marc Dirix wrote:
>> Being a newer package it doesn't have any or as many inherited
>> vulnerabilities from old versions.
> That's odd, one would think a old package has had the maximum amount of
> debugging and vulnerabilities patched. New code, new bugs.

It's not the /new/ that's making postfix more secure, but the cumulated
wisdom of years of security research leading to a very different design.

Wietse Venema, who wrote postfix with the explicit intent to build a
*secure* replacement for sendmail, has a very impressive track-record in
the security field.

He is the guy who wrote tcp-wrappers (/etc/hosts.allow and friends), and
scared the bejeezers out of half the sysadmins in the world with the
first opensource security scanners (satan) he co-authored back in the
early nineties. And that's just his two most famous projects from before

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________

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