Hi Paul,

Still no go.

What I see is this when I open the 'subscribe' pane in TB:


Me too there.

then I open the subtree for #Public and I see:

COMMAND: [2 list "" "#Public/%"]
RESPONSE: [* LIST (\hasnochildren) "/" "#Public/Spam"^M ]

But I don't even see a #Public subtree. It's like it doesn't exist.

Hmm. That's interesting. When I manually subscribe myself (via a
manual entry in dbmail_subscription) to one of the mailboxes in the
#Public namespace, I see the #Public subtree, and everything in it
(even things I'm not subscribed to). If I delete that db record, it
goes back to pretending #Public doesn't exist. It looks like I have to
be subscribed to something in #Public for Thunderbird to even
acknowledge its existence.

What happens if you unsubscribe to everything in #Public? Do you still see it?

That's not what I'm seeing. Are you sure your ACL is setup alright for
userid '__public__'? I understand you're using DBMA, but please check
your tables manually using the wiki as guide:

I've gone through that this morning and manually added ACLs on one of
the #Public mailboxes for myself, anyone and __public__, but the
problem persists.

Thanks for all your continuing help! We'll get to the bottom of this!


[EMAIL PROTECTED] is jurgen's gmail address.
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