Marc Dirix wrote:
>> login,sock_allow,userid
>> userA,inet:,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> userB,inet:,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> userC,inet:,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> that way your users can login with both userA, and with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Does this work with 100.000 accounts per domain?

Of course, why not?

But I get your point.

One way to solve this would be to fall back to the login as-is if the
mapped userid fails to authenticate, or the other way around.



We could then first try the mapped value, and if fails fall back to the
non-mapped login,

Or, we could first try the non-mapped login, and if that fails try the
mapped value.

scenario 1a)
try mapped: userA -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> success

scenario 1b)
try mapped: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> fails
try as-is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> success

scenario 2a)
try as-is: userA -> fails
try mapped: userA -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> succeeds

scenario 2b)
try as-is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> success

In any cases however, the login must be rejected if the sock_deny matches.

tricky stuff, but doable.

  Paul Stevens                                      paul at
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________

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