I'm in a situation where a particular users mail was deleted from dbmail
 (not just "status" deleted, but the entire account, mailboxes,
messages, etc were removed).  Now I need to recover these from a tape
backup and put the mail back in the users (recreated) account.

I'm having the entire dbmail database restored from tape, where I plan
to extract the original mail from the backup and insert to the live

Any recommendations, scripts, pitfalls, or other advice that anyone has,
please post, I'd prefer not to spend hours reinventing the wheel or
traveling roads already traveled.

It seems that just dumping the database records for this user and then
trying to insert them to the live database will run into problems with
the mailbox ids and such not matching.

I'm thinking about using a tool like imapsync to synchronize the
messages from the old database to disk, then from disk to the new database.

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