Hi there,

Please share with us your dbmail.conf.
Did you install dbmail using ubuntu's package manager, or did you do your own build?

chrisleroi wrote:
hi to all,

i've got little problem with dbmail and could figure out myself.
but dont wanna give up so early because i like this mailserver .. :-)

i have started setting up a server with dbmail (2.2),postfix, lamp,
openldap,egroupware, ubuntu 8 lts...
i want to store all users for pam,egroupware and dbmail in my ldap database.
therefore i used the dbmail schema and did everything as described in

right now, smtp works perfect. egroupware can send mail and authentificate
with ldap.

but dbmail-imapd cant really communicate with ldap.
when i add a new user with dbmail-users the user gets created in ldap.

sounds like dbmail is talking to ldap alright.

the problem is that dbmail-imap doesnt care later on about the password
stored in ldap.
i cant login with telnet until i set a password with phpmyadmin in the
dbmail user-table.
where before stand "UNUSED" for password. encryption_type is always md5.

Passwords in the sql database should *never* be used by dbmail when you're on authldap.

i also tried to figure out if there is a problem with encryption. tried to
store password with md5,md5-hash/digest,plaintext. but it only reads
passwords from mysql.

Please provide level 5 logs as well.

and i so no ldap problem because the user gets created/changed by dbmail.

sorry for my bad english.. german student ;-)

so, if you could help me i would be very very lucky


  Paul Stevens                                      paul at nfg.nl
  NET FACILITIES GROUP                     GPG/PGP: 1024D/11F8CD31
  The Netherlands________________________________http://www.nfg.nl
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