
If I let a client fetch the bodystructure of messages I get the
following 2 examples:

BODYSTRUCTURE ("text" "plain" ("charset" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7BIT" 125 12 NIL 
("inline" NIL) NIL NIL))

BODYSTRUCTURE (("text" "plain" ("charset" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "7bit" 324 14 NIL 
NIL NIL NIL)("text" "html" ("charset" "us-ascii") NIL NIL "quoted-printable" 
1601 36 NIL NIL NIL NIL) "alternative" ("boundary" 
"----=_NextPart_000_0008_01C98611.CBB36EF0") NIL NIL NIL))

RFC3501 it says that
Extension data follows the multipart subtype.  Extension data
         is never returned with the BODY fetch, but can be returned with
         a BODYSTRUCTURE fetch.  Extension data, if present, MUST be in
         the defined order.

Now, in the first example, the message clearly is not a multipart
message. How is it that extension data still is being returned?
Referring to " NIL ("inline" NIL) NIL NIL".
The same is for the sub-parts of the second multipart message
Referring to " NIL NIL NIL NILu" after 14 and after 36.

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