On Mittwoch 08 April 2009 David Nillesen wrote:
>                 Our mailstore is currently around  32,000 users with
> around 8 million emails on disk at the moment, occupying about 350GB
> of mail.
>                 How well does DBmail scale to these numbers on
> Postgres?

It runs, of course you need competent hardware. I'm working on index 
optimization for dbmail-2.2, cleaning some indices out or lightening 
them up. Patches to follow, should help a lot with installations of that 

>                 Is there a solution for user self administration of
> vacation/autoreply messages? Since we have a large number of accounts
> self administration for the majority of user issues is important. I
> have found a few administration webapps for admins, but nothing for
> users as far as I can see.

We have developed a complete toolset which I can offer you for free. 
It's php based, and you can create customers/domains/users/aliases, and 
each user can have the right to administer his password/vacation with 
start/stop dates.

I was already planning to release it to GPL as a sf.net project. If 
others are interested too, I'll do that sooner than later.

> We use LDAP for aliases, authentication and authorization. Is there
> any way to tie this to DBmail? My main issue would be with aliases,
> everything else we can work round with our IAM system executing SQL
> into Postgres to enable users.

Our tool currently directly connects to the db, so some rework would be 
needed. Shouldn't be a big pain.

> If you would like to know more about our site and configuration, let
> me know.

If you're interested, let me know per PM.

mfg zmi
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