On Freitag 29 Mai 2009 Paul J Stevens wrote:
> > And I have in dbmail.conf:
> > [LMTP]
> > PORT     = 24
> > NCHILDREN         = 1
> That is a *very* narrow pipe for lmtp. You better make damn sure your
> mta doesn't try to establish more than 1 lmtp connection.

It's working on a server with >200 domains... But why 1 lmtp? It starts 
with 1 plus 1 spare, and goes up to 5 if necessary. And wouldn't postfix 
just retry later if all 5 are busy? No mail should be lost, right?

> > Can dbmail- smtp loose messages?
> Only if the disks are full. Remember, dbmail-smtp (pipe) doesn't have
> a mechanism for telling the MTA what errors might have occurred
> during delivery.

Would it write that to syslog or somewhere? I got about 80 errors on 
stderr which would explain that no e-mails are sent for that messages, 
but I'm missing a lot more. There's a "-r" option to dbmail-smtp, but 
that would only send me the 80 messages instead of on stderr, right?

mfg zmi
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