> still, the database size is increasing average 2GB per day. btw, do u happen
> to know the maximum size mysql can handle? with the rate this is going, its
> gonna be 2TB at the end of next year..

run the following query:

select userid,curmail_size from dbmail_users order by curmail_size desc
limit 10;

Now go tell these people to clean up their mailboxes, they're the space
hogs. You might be surprised how big some people's mailboxes are.

I personally also have a query that deletes all unread emails older than
6 months. Reason for this is people who never read their mailbox due to
it being forwarded elsewhere, but cc'ing locally:

echo "update dbmail_messages m, dbmail_mailboxes b, dbmail_physmessage p
set m.deleted_flag=1,m.status=2 where m.mailbox_idnr=b.mailbox_idnr and
p.id=m.physmessage_id and m.seen_flag = 0 and p.internal_date <
date_sub(now(), interval 180 day);" | mysql -u USER -pPASS dbname


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