I've been using dbmail as an archive of all inbound/outbound mail for
a domain.  Essentially there is a single user in dbmail with all mail
as mailboxes by user/direction/month
Obviously the db grows very large with many thousands of mailboxes.  I
want to trim down the db and make new dbs by year so I can more easily
view the db when I need to.

I did a mysqldump but I can't selectively dump only one year at a
time.  The current db is >90gigs so I'd like to split this up with one
year at a time in the db.

Is there some way to trim down the db while preserving data into other dbs?

I can get a quick view of what I need with something similar to:
select m.physmessage_id, p.internal_date from
dbmail_messages m, dbmail_physmessage p
and (p.internal_date >= "2008-01-01" AND p.internal_date < "2009-01-01");
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