2012.02.20 18:59 Reindl Harald rašė:
> especially i do not not know how to debug a google-app on
> a google server

Same way as you debug any blackbox gadget or software. Check inputs and
outputs in communications layer.

> - as long there are no customers with a
> usual mailprogram gaving troubles i will tell them they
> should say me the ip of their google-crap and let point
> the MX directly there

You hope that your users are not hiting it. It can be one in a million
message formating output issue introduced during upgrade, or dbmail
changed format of message ids or users got new fancy malformed spam email
which triggered some bug in dbmail and your users can't download emails.
You still have to find some way to resolve user problem or you would not
be asking for help/complaining on mailing list.

Problem happened close to major version upgrade on your server and you
curse third party first. Will you insult any user who uses fetchmail?

If you don't want to dig any further, move all messages to different IMAP
folder and put just one simple message in their INBOX. They are not using
UIDL, so messages should not be kept on server and email program should
fetch and delete all of them. If they can fetch one new message, then
users have something bad in their old messages. If they can't fetch a
single message, then we have problems in comms between email client and


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