Okay... thats computersience, i found my misstake! It was a simple blank space behind the password!!! I would use Dovecot the next time, it's a bit more up to date than cyrus and not that (stupid) sensitive! ;)
I will add an advice into the wiki to prevent this misstake for other users.

Am 23.03.2012 17:49, schrieb Reindl Harald:
alternative solution for sasl is dovecot-auth
"smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot"
in main.cf is the only postfix-relevant chamge

we are using dovecot at all as imap/pop3 proxy in
front of dbmail which listens only on
but should be useable only for SASL-auth too somehow

the proxy solution is because we have one unified
configuration for SASL-methods (smtp, pop3, imap)
can do replacements in usernames for legacy compatibility
to the old mailsystems (% instead @ on many clients
configured) and in dbmail-2.x was no SSL/CRAM-MD5-support

IMHO a benefit that POP3/IMAP/SMTP are supporting the
same auth-methods and software - less points of mistakes

the relevant sections in dovecot.conf (= 2.0)
eblow also a complete configuration
maybe someone packs it in the wiki, i hate them to edit :-)

# configure proxy-database
passdb {
  driver                        = sql
  args                          = /etc/dovecot/sql.conf

# we are not using local users
userdb {
  driver                        = static
  args                          = static uid=15000 gid=15000 home=/dev/null

# configure backend for postfix sasl-auth
service auth {
   unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
   mode                         = 0660
   user                         = postfix
   group                        = postfix

"proxy" is here a own mysql-user with only access to the userdb

cat /etc/dovecot/sql.conf
driver              = mysql
connect             = host=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock dbname=dbmail user=proxy 
password_query      = SELECT passwd as password, '' as host, userid as 
destuser, passwd AS pass, 'Y' AS
nologin, 'Y' AS nodelay, 'Y' AS proxy FROM dbmail_users WHERE userid='%u'
default_pass_scheme = plain

however, this is a complete "dovecot.conf" for proxy AND auth
you have in the best case only to change path to ssl-cert and
the ip-address because you can not use * in this configuration
since dbmail is listening on

corrently running dovecot 2.1.1, 2.1.3 is crashing randomly
the whole 2.0 serious was rock solid over the last time
this config is used since 2009 for some hundret domains

# provided services
protocols                      = imap pop3

# configure ssl
ssl                            = yes
ssl_cert                       =</etc/postfix/certs/mailserver.pem
ssl_key                        =</etc/postfix/certs/mailserver.pem
ssl_cipher_list                = 

# configure imap-proxy
service imap-login {
   inet_listener imap {
     address                    =<MAIL-SERVER-IP>
     port                       = 143
   inet_listener imaps {
     address                    =<MAIL-SERVER-IP>
     port                       = 993
   vsz_limit                    = 512M
   service_count                = 5000
   process_min_avail            = 1
   process_limit                = 15
   client_limit                 = 300

# configure pop3-proxy
service pop3-login {
   inet_listener pop3 {
     address                    =<MAIL-SERVER-IP>
     port                       = 110
   inet_listener pop3s {
     address                    =<MAIL-SERVER-IP>
     port                       = 995
   vsz_limit                    = 512M
   service_count                = 5000
   process_min_avail            = 1
   process_limit                = 15
   client_limit                 = 100

# default settings
imap_capability                = IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ACL RIGHTS=texk NAMESPACE 
login_greeting                 =
pop3_client_workarounds        = outlook-no-nuls oe-ns-eoh
mail_max_userip_connections    = 100
auth_mechanisms                = CRAM-MD5 DIGEST-MD5 APOP LOGIN PLAIN
disable_plaintext_auth         = no
shutdown_clients               = no

# Logging
syslog_facility                = mail

# authentication process
auth_worker_max_count          = 100
auth_cache_size                = 32768
auth_cache_ttl                 = 1800
auth_cache_negative_ttl        = 1800
auth_username_chars            = 
auth_username_translation      = 

# debug options
auth_debug                     = no
auth_debug_passwords           = no
auth_verbose                   = no
mail_debug                     = no
verbose_ssl                    = no

# configure proxy-database
passdb {
  driver                        = sql
  args                          = /etc/dovecot/sql.conf

# we are not using local users
userdb {
  driver                        = static
  args                          = static uid=5000 gid=5000 home=/dev/null

# configure backend for postfix sasl-auth
service auth {
   unix_listener /var/spool/postfix/private/auth {
   mode                         = 0660
   user                         = postfix
   group                        = postfix

Am 23.03.2012 17:33, schrieb Claas Kähler:
Okay that solved a problem... thanks!!! But at least not the SASL one! ;)

Am 23.03.2012 17:00, schrieb Reindl Harald:
we are using "mydestination", "local_recipient_maps" and dbmail-lmtpd for
years and my webinterface is simply maintaining a domain/transport
list in a table based on dbmail_aliases triggered in a php-function
after changes

in other words: i see no reason for virtual_* at all the transport
table is much flexibler because you can define external transports
and with some lines of code prefer them even if dbmail is pre-configured
for a domain while you relay messages to the old server until all users
are configured for the new one (domain-transfers and so)

mydestination = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-mydestination.cf
[root@srv-rhsoft:~]$ cat /etc/postfix/mysql-mydestination.cf
user     = dbmail
password = ****************
dbname   = dbmail
hosts    = unix:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock inet:
query    = select transport from dbma_mta where mydestination='%s';

mysql>  select * from dbma_mta where mydestination like '%rhsoft%';
| mydestination         | transport                |
| arrakisvm.rhsoft.net  | dbmail-lmtp: |
| local.rhsoft.net      | dbmail-lmtp: |
| notebook.rhsoft.net   | dbmail-lmtp: |
| rhsoft.net            | dbmail-lmtp: |
| srv-rhsoft.rhsoft.net | dbmail-lmtp: |
| testserver.rhsoft.net | dbmail-lmtp: |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Am 23.03.2012 16:49, schrieb Claas Kähler:
Your are right! But that isn't the problem. Postfix only checks if there is a 
result or not. Take a look at:


They used the same query.

Am 23.03.2012 16:45, schrieb Reindl Harald:
what the hell should "SELECT DISTINCT 1" do?
this will result in "1" and never in any list

mysql>  SELECT DISTINCT 1 FROM dbmail_aliases;
| 1 |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Am 23.03.2012 16:39, schrieb Claas Kähler:
root@(none):/etc/postfix# grep virtual /etc/postfix/main.cf
virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/sql-virtual_mailbox_domains.cf

root@(none):/etc/postfix# cat /etc/postfix/sql-virtual_mailbox_domains.cf
user = dbmail
password = changeMe
hosts =
dbname = dbmail
query = SELECT DISTINCT 1 FROM dbmail_aliases WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(alias, '@', 
-1) = '%s';

Am 23.03.2012 16:29, schrieb Paul J Stevens:
On 03/23/2012 04:22 PM, Claas Kähler wrote:
Okay i've got the following in my mail.log when my trying to sent a
Email to an account:

Mar 23 16:19:34 (none) postfix/virtual[8591]: fatal: bad string length 0
<   1: virtual_mailbox_base
Mar 23 16:19:35 (none) postfix/master[2737]: warning: process
/usr/lib/postfix/virtual pid 8591 exi status 1
Mar 23 16:19:35 (none) postfix/master[2737]: warning:
/usr/lib/postfix/virtual: bad command startup-- throttling
That's not SASL related at all!

what does

grep virtual /etc/postfix/main.cf

have to say?

Reindl Harald
the lounge interactive design GmbH
A-1060 Vienna, Hofmühlgasse 17
CTO / software-development / cms-solutions
p: +43 (1) 595 3999 33, m: +43 (676) 40 221 40
icq: 154546673, http://www.thelounge.net/


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