Hello and sorry for the long delay.

Now I have time to occupy myself with the transition from 2 to dbmail dbmail 3.

I've discovered that mysql 5 (and not mysql 4) runs on the computer. In addition, I managed with some problems to compile dbmail 3.2.3. So I do not need to change the computer.

To update from 2 to 3 I have a few questions:
- Which SQL file I need to use for the move? I now have the version 2.2.18 dbmail and there in the SQL directory not a file that fits exactly.
- Do I have to use another file?
- Do I have to use additional dbmail-utils to bring data up to date?

Why always comes the answer

"This is mhash 0.99"

if I "dbmail-util -V" or "dbmail-imapd -V" enter?

Thank you very much


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