Am 02.03.2016 um 21:30 schrieb Simon Buchanan:
Hi All,

We are running dbmail 2.2.18 for some legacy clients, the database is a
debian default 5.1.73. We have around 260 mailboxes on this server that
(when dbmail-export’ed) comprise of 72G of data, or approx 280MB per
mailbox on average. We are running "/usr/local/sbin/dbmail-util -ay”
every morning at 3am.

The problem we have is that the mysql data store is around 680G with
the dbmail_messageblks.ibd file being the culprit at 654G.

Is there any way to claw back this space?

first consider migartion to a more recent dbmail because single-instance-storage will deduplicate mime-parts and so any compression and other optimizing afterwards will be much more efficient

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