
What I'm working on is far below the scale of what others have said so 
far, but here goes anyway! :)

I'm working on a way to let university faculty create profiles of the 
classes they teach, in part using DBpedia resources as common references 
for topics, tools, or other things they use in their teaching (and 
interests for the faculty and students themselves). (If anyone's 
interested: a quick slideshow from a talk [1] and a longer post [2]. 
Code is all still sketchy, but here's [3] the data input form I'm 
working on, and an example [4] of using topics to find courses)

So I'm using DBpedia to disambiguate concepts in the app, making heavy 
use of the lookup service (it's fantastic, BTW!), as well as to bring 
additional data into the app.

On how I'd like to use it/seeing it evolve, I'm not sure if this goes 
against any of the design principles you are working from, but 
mechanisms and/or guidance to smooth out some of the oddities of the 
data in wikipedia would be wonderful.  Take for example the sculpture .
The kinds of quirks I'm seeing are on the year property, c. 130 CE.  In 
the wikipedia page, both 130 and CE have been made links to wikipedia 
entries. So DBpedia lists two dbp:years as resources for 130 and CE  And 
often enough a dbp:year property comes through more as I'd expect it, as 
a literal. 

Similar examples of hard-to-predict data due to different individual 
linking choices in wikipedia are pretty common.  And most can be worked 
through on my end, for example by looking for a lang attribute.  But the 
overall evolution that I think would make it easier on the usage end is 
more predictability in the data coming back -- just as you already 
wonderfully did by creating an ontology.  Maybe the extractors could 
create a 'literalized' version of properties like dbp:year , where 
dbp:literalizedyear ignores the links and just gives the literal text?

Many thanks!


Georgi Kobilarov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm currently doing some planning for the future roadmap of DBpedia, and
> therefore gathering requirements and use cases.
> So I'm wondering: 
> - Who is using DBpedia today or has evaluated it in the past,
> - What are you doing with it or how would you like to use it, 
> - How would you like to see it evolve?
> Especially interested in usage of DBpedia (and Linked Data) within
> organizations or even commercial scenarios. 
> Please let me know, either on-list of off-list (and state in case you
> don't want that information to be disclosed).
> Thanks,
> Georgi
> --
> Georgi Kobilarov
> Freie Universität Berlin
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