
OpenLink Software is pleased to announce a new release of Virtuoso, Open-Source 
Edition, version 5.0.13.

This version includes:

* Database engine
  - Added configuration option BuffersAllocation
  - Added configuration option AsyncQueueMaxThreads
  - Added docbook-xsl-1.75.2
  - Added RoundRobin connection support
  - Removed deprecated samples/demos
  - Fixed copyright and license clarification
  - Fixed use MD5 from OpenSSL when possible
  - Fixed issue with XA exception, double rollback, transact timeout
  - Fixed issue reading last chunk in http session
  - Fixed use pipeline client in crawler
  - Fixed accept different headers in pipeline request
  - Fixed do not post when no post parameters
  - Fixed checkpoint messages in log
  - Fixed read after allocated memory
  - Fixed shortened long URLs in the crawlers view to avoid UI breakage
  - Fixed building with external zlib
  - Removed support for deprecated JDK 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2
  - Rebuilt JDBC drivers
  - Added initial support for SPARQL-FED
  - Added initial support for SERVICE { ... };
  - Added support for expressions in LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
  - Added built-in predicate IsRef()
  - Added new error reporting for unsupported syntax
  - Added rdf box id only serialization; stays compatible with 5/6
  - Added support for SPARQL INSERT DATA / DELETE DATA
  - Added support for HAVING in sparql
  - Added special optimizations for handling: SPARQL SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE { 
GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o } }
  - Added support for HTML+RDFa representation re. SPARQL CONSTRUCT and 
DESCRIBE query results
  - Added support for output:maxrows
  - Updated ontologies API
  - Updated iSPARQL application
  - Fixed IRI parts syntax to match SPARQL 1.0 W3C recommendation
  - Fixed support for XMLLiteral
  - Fixed bad box flags for strings for bnodes and types
  - Fixed replace lost filters with equivs that have no spog vars and no "good" 
  - Fixed cnet doublt awol:content
  - Fixed Googlebase query results with multiple entries
  - Fixed Googlebase location info
  - Fixed default sitemap crawling functions/pages
  - Fixed use SPARUL LOAD instead of SOFT
  - Fixed make sure version is intact as changes to .ttl file must reflect in 
  - Fixed missing qualification of aggregate
  - Fixed compilation of ORDER BY column_idz clause in iterator of sponge with 
  - Fixed UNION of SELECTs and for multiple OPTIONALs at one level with "good" 
and "bad" equalities
  - Fixed support for define output:format "JSON"
  - Fixed crash of rfc1808_expand_uri on base without schema
  - Fixed redundant trailing '>' in results of TTL load when IRIs contain 
special chars
  - Fixed "option (score ...)" in a gp with multiple OPTIONAL {...}
  - Fixed when different TZ is used, must find offset and transform via GMT
  - Fixed SPARQL parsing and SQL codegen for negative numbers
  - Fixed some 'exotic' cases of NT outputs

* ODS Applications
  - Added support for ckeditor
  - Added new popup calendar based on OAT
  - Added VSP and REST implementation for user API
  - Added new API functions
  - Added FOAF+SSL groups
  - Added feed admin rights
  - Added Facebook registration and login
  - Removed support for Kupu editor
  - Removed support for rte editor
  - Removed support for IE 5 and 6 compatibility
  - Fixed users paths to physical location
  - Fixed problem with activity pages

Other links:

Virtuoso Open Source Edition:
   * Home Page: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/
   * Download Page:

OpenLink Data Spaces:
   * Home Page: http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/OdsIndex
   * SPARQL Usage Examples (re. SIOC, FOAF, AtomOWL, SKOS):

Best Regards
Hugh Williams
Professional Services
OpenLink Software
Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Support: http://support.openlinksw.com
Forums: http://boards.openlinksw.com/support
Twitter: http://twitter.com/OpenLink

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