
I'm currently upgrading my own Virtuoso's snapshot of DBpedia3.2 datasets to
the 3.4 datasets. I have my own test query,

'SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE {?s rdfs:label "Portugal"@pt . ?s ?p ?o}'

which stopped working. After frustrating hours debugging, I checked that in
http://dbpedia.org/sparql, it also returns 0 results.
I found out that the articles_labels_pt.nt does not have the entry:

<http://dbpedia.org/resource/Portugal> <
http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> "Portugal"@pt.

This entry is in fact included on the articles_labels_pt.nt from DBpedia3.2.
While this 3.2 file has 253800 lines, the 3.4 one has 336933 lines, but as I
pointed out, it misses important ones like the one above.

Switching to 'Lisboa'@pt works, because the 3.4 dataset  has the right
entry, but I'm really concerned about the fact that there is this really
important entry missing, which is really affecting my system's performance,
and that there are possibly others also missing.

Are you aware of this issue? (Sorry, I didn't searched your mailing-list
archives). Is there a patch or another solution? Do you recommend to just
load the articles_labels_pt.nt file from the 3.2 dataset OVER what I have


Nuno Cardoso
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