On 4/24/12 7:46 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Dear Kingsley,

the window size is only 1000, and it also occurs with window size 100. As far as I understand the error, the problem is that the underlying collection is larger than 40000.

You can try it yourself at


Why not:



Am 24.04.2012 13:00, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
On 4/24/12 6:52 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Daer Kingsley,

thank you again for your advice. We are now using the solution you suggested, which really works fine until there is more than 40000 results (see below) -- e.g., when asking for all statements related to Germany.

Do you have any idea how to fix that?

Why not make a smaller window/cursor ? Reduce your OFFSET.



HttpException: HttpException: 500 SPARQL Request Failed
Virtuoso 22023 Error SR353: Sorted TOP clause specifies more then 41000 rows to sort. Only 40000 are allowed. Either decrease the offset and/or row count or use a scrollable cursor

SPARQL query:
define sql:big-data-const 0 SELECT DISTINCT  ?p ?s
FROM <http://dbpedia.org>
  { ?s ?p <http://dbpedia.org/resource/Germany> }
OFFSET  40000
LIMIT   1000
: HttpException: 500 SPARQL Request Failed
Virtuoso 22023 Error SR353: Sorted TOP clause specifies more then 41000 rows to sort. Only 40000 are allowed. Either decrease the offset and/or row count or use a scrollable cursor

Am 11.04.2012 16:44, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
On 4/11/12 10:14 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Dear Kingsley,

OK, here's a basic example URL of a query I use:



1. http://dbpedia.org/c/Z63DBC -- query result
2. http://dbpedia.org/c/ZNS2TM -- query text.

Page through the data using:

1.  SELECT * WHERE {?s a ?o} OFFSET 0 LIMIT 1000 -- iteration 1
2.  SELECT * WHERE {?s a ?o} OFFSET 1000 LIMIT 1000 -- iteration 2
3.  Ditto with OFFSET incremented in blocks of 1000 .



Am 11.04.2012 16:09, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
On 4/11/12 10:07 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Dear Kingsley,

as I said, there is no query that times out as such. All the queries work fine in isolation. It is rather a problem of a longer series of queries that eventually provokes the "Bandwith Limit Exceeded" exception.

Thus, my question is what that limit exactly is, and how many queries can be issued from a single client per minute/hour. I also have no problems in restricting my client to that limit, I just need to know it.

Please just send me a URL and then I can send one back to you that shows the setting you need re. Virtuoso's Anytime Query feature. This feature is to be used in combination with OFFSET and LIMIT re. the public endpoint, in line with how it is deliberately configured.



Am 11.04.2012 15:41, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
On 4/11/12 9:14 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Dear Kingsley,

the query in question is looking for types of objects related to a resource (e.g. a person knows some scientists, has written some books, etc.), i.e.

FROM <http://dbpedia.org>
WHERE {?s ?p <objectInQuestion>. ?s a ?t }

FROM <http://dbpedia.org>
WHERE {<objectInQuestion> ?p ?o. ?o a ?t }

The particular query where the program terminates works fine in isolation, just like about 200 before.

I have set the timeout to 120 seconds and retry a failed query after waiting for 1 second.

Please send a SPARQL URL of a query that times out.



Am 11.04.2012 14:55, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:
On 4/11/12 6:47 AM, Heiko Paulheim wrote:
Hi all,

I am currently experiencing a repeated Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
exception, always occuring at the same position in my program (i.e., after a certain number of requests having been issued in a certain time). Since the program can be properly started again afterwards (and runs to that very point), I assume that limiting the number of requests
per minute/hour within the program would solve the problem.

Does anybody know detailed figures about the bandwith restrictions of
DBpedia, in particular w.r.t. the dbpedia.org/sparql endpoint?


What is your query?

Are you using timeouts?

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Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
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Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
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LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog:http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
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LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog:http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile:https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web:http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog:http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile:https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

Dr. Heiko Paulheim
Knowledge Engineering Group
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Phone: +49 6151 16 6634
Fax:   +49 6151 16 5482



Kingsley Idehen 
Founder&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
Personal Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
Twitter/Identi.ca handle: @kidehen
Google+ Profile: https://plus.google.com/112399767740508618350/about
LinkedIn Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kidehen

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