*Save the date: Leipzig, Germany 23-24-25 September 2012 
Co-located with the Leipziger Semantic Web Day: http://aksw.org/lswt

====== Multilingual Linked Open Data for Enterprises ======

MLODE will bring together developers, data producers, academia and 
enterprises and connect people, communities, data and industrial use 
cases. The workshop will be very interactive and you are expected to 
help us achieve common goals:
* bootstrap and build a Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud (LLOD): 
* establish best practices for multilingual linked open data
* create incentives for businesses and lower the barrier for 
participation in LOD for natural language processing and 
internationalisation and localisation enterprises.

We are expecting intensive participation by members of the following 
communities (these are teasers, see the **detailed descriptions for each 
community** further below):
* DBpedia ( http://dbpedia.org <about:blank>): DBpedia International now 
has over 10 language-specific chapters (such as http://el.dbpedia.org 
<http://el.dbpedia.org/>). At the MLODE workshop there will be a DBpedia 
Developers meetup. We will discuss the “Future of DBpedia” and create a 
common Road Map. If you want to get more involved in DBpedia, the 
workshop will be a good opportunity to meet the team.
* Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics (OWLG, 
http://linguistics.okfn.org <http://linguistics.okfn.org/%29>): Now is 
the time to get your data into the LLOD cloud! We have created a 
development team that will convert your data to RDF and help establish 
links: http://code.google.com/p/mlode/. Please submit your data sets 
soon! (Furthermore we will have a legal session to discuss licensing 
* Multilingual Web ( http://www.multilingualweb.eu 
<http://www.multilingualweb.eu/>): Free, open data and lexica; we will 
have a session discussing best practices for multilingual linked open 
data (http://mlode.okfnpad.org/best-practices-multilingual-lod) and 
compatability with the RDF world with ITS 2.0.
* Apache Stanbol ( http://incubator.apache.org/stanbol/): Enterprises 
will have the chance to present their use cases during lightning talks 
and we will have a Apache Stanbol Booth and an install fest to show 
hands-on how combined usage of public and closed data can be achieved 
and what benefits firms can gain from using these rapidly increasing 
data pools.
* Ontolex W3C Community Group ( http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/): 
Monnet Challenge will provide a data bounty for developers who convert 
data sets using lemon.
* Also: NLP2RDF (http://nlp2rdf.org <http://nlp2rdf.org/>) - the NIF 
project, DBpedia Spotlight (http://spotlight.dbpedia.org 
<http://spotlight.dbpedia.org/>), Wiktionary2RDF 

How you can contribute:

* Contact us if you are an enterprise and want to prepare a small 
presentation/lightning talk about your business use cases (using LOD) or 
problems you have (please see below for details)
* Contact us if you want to give a short presentation on a relevant topic
* We are looking for a sponsor for a DBpedia Booth
* Submit your data sets for the LLOD: http://code.google.com/p/mlode/
* Become a sponsor of the workshop: 
* Or donate money and help the individual communities: 

DBpedia is a good example of a freely available and open data set that 
was generated by crowd-sourcing and academia, but it has provided an 
immense value to businesses and industry. We want to build on and 
continue this success for the areas of natural language processing 
enterprises and the internationalisation and localisation industries.

The goal of the workshop is to bootstrap a Multilingual Linked Open Data 
cloud by bringing together many different linked open data sets and by 
creating synergy among different research and business communities. This 
workshop is aimed at researchers and industry and commercial consumers 
of data produced by research. We hope for mutual benefits between 
(potentially non-commercial) data providers and enterprises: Open-source 
and open-licences for software have shown that they can be successful in 
a commercial environment. How can we transfer these models to 
Multilingual Linked Open Data? And how can the transformation of 
currently monolingual Linked Open Data sources into a Multilingual Web 
of Open Data spur cross-linguistic research, and commercial applications 
in internationalisation and localisation enterprises?

===== Sponsors =====
We would like to thank our sponsors for supporting the workshop:
* The **Working MultilingualWeb-LT Working Group** - 
* The **Interactive Knowledge Stack (IKS) EU Research Project** - 
* The **Monnet Project** - http://www.monnet-project.eu/

===== Monnet Challenge =====
The Monnet Project (http://www.monnet-project.eu/) is offering the 
following bounties for the conversion of existing linguistic resources 
into linked data, in particular focussing on the
**lemon format** (http://www.monnet-project.eu/lemon) . **Bounties are 
600, 400, 200, 100, 50 Euros** . The selection of winners will be done 
by a committee of Ontolex community members.
Core criteria:
* Number of triples (relative to other submissions). Emphasis is of 
course on number of triples containing a URI from //lemon// .
* Expressiveness and quality of lemon used (How many properties and 
classes of //lemon// are you using? Are you using them correctly?)
* Impact (Is the data set you converted important and central to our 
cause? We also rate data sets for less-spoken languages higher, because 
of the rarity effect.)

Additional criteria:
* Note that you can convert and submit more than one data set. You will 
be rated for the combined data you converted (so each person can only 
make one submission).
* You will be given extra points if you publish converted data early and 
other people build upon your work (e.g. fix errors).
* All submissions will be considered for inclusion in the data 

Detailed information on how to submit can be found on the Monnet 
Challenge page:

Submission will end 10 days before the workshop. The deadline therefore 
is **September 13th, 2012**

===== Planned Sessions =====
Each session will have an etherpad 
http://sabre2012.infai.org/mlode/etherpadso that you can already 
participate in advance.

==== Submit your data today ====
In preparation, from now until September 23rd, we will:
* Collect data sets relevant to the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud 
* Provide conversion services and data 'bounties' to convert as much 
data as possible to RDF before the workshop
* Help debugging and hosting your Linked Data

We are interested in data that is linguistic in nature, such as corpora 
and lexica, as well as data that might be used to improve Natural 
Language Processing methods such as large governmental parallel corpora 
or entity linking engines.

==== Sun 23th: Community Get Together ====
Community Get Together - no program, just social activities, e.g. 
barbecue, beach volleyball. Time and place will be announced soon.

==== 24th: Code-Sprint-a-Thon ====
Code-Sprint-a-Thon (hands-on workshop) with data providers, visionaries 
and developers from all communities. The focus of the Code-Sprint-a-Thon 
will be on gathering the requirements and use cases from attendees and 
then developers will start to initiate these ideas with the collected 
data sets, e.g. interesting cross-data set queries, visualisations, data 
mash-ups. The result will be more Multilingual Linked Open Data, more 
links, more tools and more applications.

=== DBpedia ===
Many DBpedia developers will be available during this workshop so that 
you can ask them questions directly. Bring your laptop and they will 
show you how to download and query DBpedia.

=== Apache Stanbol ===
Developers from Apache Stanbol ( http://incubator.apache.org/stanbol/) 
will be at the Apache Stanbol booth and they will have an install fest 
to show hands-on how combined usage of public and closed data can be 
achieved and what benefits firms can gain from using the rapidly 
increasing data pools.

==== 25th: Announcements ====
* State of the Linguistic LOD Cloud ( 
* NIF 2.0 (http://wiki.nlp2rdf.org/)
* Presentation of the results of the Code-Sprint-a-Thon
* Announcement of the Monnet Challenge Winners

====25th: Lightning Talks: Use Cases by Enterprises ====
We are looking for companies to present their use cases and/or products 
that are relevant to the topics of the MLODE workshop. Please contact us 
if your enterprise would like to present on a topic from this 
(non-exhaustive) list:
* Use cases based on Linked Data (either open or closed)
* Solutions that are built with data from the LOD cloud
* Problems that constitute barriers for economic exploitation of LOD
* Ideas of what could be built with Linguistic/Multilingual LOD

We aim to address questions like:
* How can we unlock the data created by research and open communities 
for enterprises?
* What is missing?
* How can we build bridges?

Submission ends on September 13th, which is one week before the 
workshop. Presentations will be around 3-5 minutes.

====25th: Session on Best Practices for Multilingual Linked Open Data ====
Please have a look at the etherpad: 
====25th: Session on Legal Issues ====
Erik Ketzan (http://www.linkedin.com/in/erikketzan) 
<http://www.linkedin.com/in/erikketzan%29>will present the Clarin Legal 
Helpdesk and talk about current problems regarding database licences.
Please have a look at the etherpad: http://mlode.okfnpad.org/legal-session

==== 25th: Session on DBpedia Roadmap ====
Please have a look at the etherpad: http://mlode.okfnpad.org/DBpedia-roadmap

==== Data post proceedings ====
This workshop will publish a data post proceedings. As this is a new 
concept, the rules for submission are not yet fixed. We will collect 
ideas here: http://mlode.okfnpad.org/data-post-proceedings
During the discussion at the conference, we will pin down the details.

===== Participating Communities =====

==== Multilingual Web ====
MLODE Contact: Dominic Jones ( https://www.scss.tcd.ie/dominic.jones/)
Many ideas were generated into the best-practice use of Multilingual LOD 
at the W3C sponsored "Multilingual Web – Linked Open Data and 
MultilingualWeb-LT Requirements" workshop held in Dublin, Ireland, June 
One of the aims of MLODE workshop is to continue discussion around the 
best-practices for application of LOD in the Multilingual Web and the 
transformation of currently monolingual LOD resources into multiple 
languages, for example a multi-lingual DBpedia. Topics for discussion 
and talking points will be carried over from the Dublin workshop and 
discussed during the MLODE workshop but new ideas or suggestions are of 
course welcome and requested. We will have a session discussing best 
practices for multilingual linked open data and compatibility of the RDF 
world with ITS 2.0. You can already participate in the discussion: 

==== DBpedia ====
MLODE Contact: Dimitris Kontokostas
DBpedia ( http://dbpedia.org <about:blank>): DBpedia International now 
has over 10 language-specific chapters (such as http://el.dbpedia.org 
<http://el.dbpedia.org/>) . At the workshop there will be a DBpedia 
Developers meetup, we will discuss the “Future of DBpedia” and create a 
common Road Map. If you want to get more involved in DBpedia, the 
workshop will be a good opportunity to meet the team.

==== OWLG ====
MLODE Contact: Richard Littauer
Working Group for Open Data in Linguistics (OWLG, 
http://linguistics.okfn.org <http://linguistics.okfn.org/%29>): Now is 
the time to get your data into the LLOD cloud! We have created a 
development team that will convert your data to RDF and help establish 
links: http://code.google.com/p/mlode/. Please submit your data sets! 
(Furthermore we will have a legal session to discuss licensing issues.)

==== Ontolex ====
MLODE Contact: John McCrae
Ontolex W3C Community Group ( http://www.w3.org/community/ontolex/): 
Monnet Challenge will provide a data bounty for developers who convert 
data sets using lemon

==== Apache Stanbol ====
MLODE Contact: John Pereira
Apache Stanbol ( http://incubator.apache.org/stanbol/): Enterprises will 
have the chance to present their use cases during lightning talks and we 
will have a Apache Stanbol Booth and an install fest to show hands-on 
how combined usage of public and closed data can be achieved and what 
benefits firms can gain from using the rapidly increasing data pools.

==== NLP2RDF ====
NLP2RDF (http://nlp2rdf.org <http://nlp2rdf.org/>): the NIF project will 
announce the new NIF 2.0 Specification at the conference. Discussion is 
currently going on at the Wiki (http://wiki.nlp2rdf.org) 
<http://wiki.nlp2rdf.org/wiki/Main_Page%29>and the mailing list 

==== Other Communities ====
* DBpedia Spotlight (http://spotlight.dbpedia.org 
* Wiktionary2RDF (http://dbpedia.org/Wiktionary)

===== Program =====
Most of the session are already quite clear (see above), just the 
detailed time plan is still missing

===== Contact =====
For any inquiries regarding the workshop, you can reach the //whole// 
MLODE committee at //mlode2012 [at] lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de//.

If you are interested in sponsoring the event, please contact the 
workshop organizers (Sebastian Hellmann and Steven Moran) through 
//mlode2012-sponsor [at] lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de// .

Some financial aid may be available (travel cost or conference fee), 
please contact Steven Moran //mlode2012-sponsor [at] 
lists.informatik.uni-leipzig.de// .

==== MLODE Committee ====
* Sebastian Hellmann, University of Leipzig
* Steven Moran, University of Munich

Student Chairs:
* Martin Brümmer, University of Leipzig
* Dimitris Kontokostas, University of Leipzig

Community Committee:
* Richard Littauer, Saarland University
* Dominic Jones, Trinity College
* John McCrae, Bielefeld University
* Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, University of Oviedo
* John Peirera, Apache Stanbol
* Dimitris Kontokostas, University of Leipzig

==== Venue ====
MLODE is part of the SABRE Multiconference, which is located at the 
Faculty of Economics and Management Scienc in the center of Leipzig: 
**MLODE is part of the SABRE Multiconference, which is located at the 
Faculty of Economics and Management Scienc in the center of Leipzig: 


--  Dipl. Inf. Sebastian Hellmann Department of Computer Science, University of 
Leipzig  Events:  * http://sabre2012.infai.org/mlode (Leipzig, Sept. 23-24-25, 
2012) * http://wole2012.eurecom.fr (*Deadline: July 31st 2012*) Projects: 
http://nlp2rdf.org , http://dbpedia.org Homepage: 
http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/SebastianHellmann Research Group: 

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