Dear all,

I want to share the good news that Christopher Sahnwaldt is starting to 
work on the DBpedia Release 3.9.

As with the previous releases, it is planned that Christopher runs all 
extractors for all languages. The resulting dumps will be provided for 
download via the DBpedia download page 
( and will be loaded into the public 
DBpedia SPARQL endpoint. We hope to be able to publish the new release 
end of July or early August.

As a lot of additional infobox-to-ontology mappings for various 
languages have already been entered by the mapping editors community 
into the DBpedia Mapping Wiki 
( since the last DBpedia 
release, we hope to be able to provide clean data for even more 
infoboxes in even more languages with the new release.

With this email, I would also like to ask all members of the mapping 
editors community for their help with the upcoming DBpedia 3.9 release 
in the form of a Mapping Spring:

1. Could you please check whether the mappings that you have entered 
into the wiki over the last year still work correctly?
2. If you still want to refine and extend mappings, now would be the 
perfect time to do so.
3. In order to help increasing the infobox coverage of the new release, 
it would also be great if you map additional templates or additional 
properties of existing templates to the ontology.

For helping you see which widely used templates still require additional 
property mappings, Christopher has updated the Mapping Wiki statistics 
for all languages:

For the English Wikipedia edition, we can see for instance at

that we can still get much better with infoboxes like "Infobox ship 
characteristics" or "Infobox football club" or "Chembox" amongst a lot 
of others :-)

The statistics for German, Spanish and French are found below and also 
still show lots of gaps for these important languages:

Christopher will use all mappings that are entered into the Mapping Wiki 
until June 30th for the new release.

It would thus be great if as many editors as possible participate in the 
mapping sprint and we as a community try to increase the mapping 
coverage as far as possible until this date.

Lots of thanks already in advance to all mapping editors who 
participate. Let's try to make the DBpedia 3.9 Release even better than 
the 3.8 Release!



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