There are a few other infoboxes that are not named "Infobox ..."
listed here:
(The URL ends with a ":" colon.)

But if a number +/- 10% is OK for you, they probably don't matter.


On 2 August 2013 01:02, Andy Mabbett <> wrote:
> On 1 August 2013 20:38, Heiko Paulheim <> 
> wrote:
>> a rough answer can be given using the following SPARQL query:
>> select count(distinct ?x) where {?x dbpprop:wikiPageUsesTemplate ?t .
>> FILTER(REGEX(?t,"^";))}
>> which returns around 1.9 Mio infoboxes (without "distinct"), and 1.1 Mio
>> pages with at least one infobox (with "distinct") (thanks Tom for pointing
>> out that difference).
>> However, I am not sure how many infoboxes do actually follow that naming
>> convention.
> [Apologies to  Heiko Paulheim for sending an earlier reply direct]
> Thank you, all. The former figure tallies roughly with my estimate on
> Wikipedia, of "over 1,951,000" excluding the further 227,000+ using
> Template:Taxobox.
> There are also over 20,000 examples using Template:Geobox and a few
> less-widely used templates not yet renamed.
> I'm surprised that there are so many aritcles with two more more
> infoboxes (assuming few have more than two, the number would be about
> 400,000).
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
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