Hi folks

Geonames contains about 400,000 references to DBpedia entities (this is
about 5% of the overall Geonames features), asserted by rdfs:seeAlso links.
See e.g., http://sws.geonames.org/1283416/about.rdf
The links to DBpedia are actually inferred from links to Wikipedia,
continually added by Geonames.
Geonames does not use owl:sameAs links any more, because those were leading
to crazy inferences, merging "from outside" features which are kept
distinct inside Geonames.

DBpedia uses owl:sameAs links to Geonames, under its own responsibilty :)
But there are far less links from DBpedia to Geonames than the other way
round, and my question is : where do the links from DBpedia to Geonames
come from, since they are not, most of the time, present in Wikipedia data?

Thanks for any clarification!

*Bernard Vatant
Vocabularies & Data Engineering
Tel :  + 33 (0)9 71 48 84 59
Skype : bernard.vatant
Blog : the wheel and the hub <http://bvatant.blogspot.com>
Linked Open Vocabularies : lov.okfn.org
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