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==== Call for Challenge: Semantic Publishing ====

Challenge Website: http://challenges.2014.eswc-conferences.org/SemPub
Call Web page: http://2014.eswc-conferences.org/important-dates/call-SemPub

Scholarly publishing is increasingly enabling a new wave of applications that 
better support researchers in disseminating, exploiting and evaluating their 
results. The potential of publishing scientific papers enriched with semantic 
information is huge and raises interesting and challenging issues. Semantic Web 
technologies play a central role in this context, as they can help publishers 
to make scientific results available in an open format the whole research 
community can benefit from.
The Semantic Publishing Challenge 2014 is intended to be the first in a series 
of events at ESWC for producing and exploiting semantic publishing data. The 
main focus this year is on extracting information and using this information to 
assess the quality of scientific productions.
Linked open datasets about scientific production exist - e.g. DBLP - but they 
usually cover basic bibliographic information, which is not sufficient to 
assess quality. Quality-related information, such as the number of journal 
articles that cite a given publication, or the number of times a workshop has 
been run by the same chairs and received many submissions, or the actual 
function of a citation are often hidden and not yet available as LOD. The main 
goal of the Challenge is to build high-quality LOD that contains such 
Moving off this year's outcomes, we plan to investigate the final publication 
and exploitation side in the next editions.

The Challenge is open to everyone from industry and academia.

We ask challengers to automatically annotate a set of multi-format and 
multi-source input documents and to produce a Linked Open Dataset that fully 
describes these documents, their context, and relevant parts of their content. 
The evaluation will consist of evaluating a set of queries against the produced 
dataset to assess its correctness and completeness.
The input dataset will be split in two parts: a training/testing part and an 
evaluation part, which will disclosed a few days before the submission 
deadline. Participants will be asked to run their tool on the evaluation 
dataset and to produce the final Linked Open Dataset.
Further details about the organization of the Challenge will be provided. The 
Challenge will include two tasks:

Task 1: Extraction and assessment of workshop proceedings information
Participants are required to extract information from a set of HTML tables of 
contents, partly including microformat and RDFa annotations but not necessarily 
being valid HTML, of selected computer science workshop proceedings published 
with the CEUR-WS.org open access service. The extracted information is expected 
to answer queries about the quality of these workshops, for instance by 
measuring their growth, longevity, connection with other events, distribution 
of papers and authors.

Task 2: Extraction and characterization of citations
Participants are required to extract information about the citations in 
scientific journals and their relevance. Input documents are in XML JATS and 
TaxPub, an official extension of JATS customized for taxonomic treatments, and 
selected from the PubMedCentral Open Access Subset and the Pensoft Biodiversity 
Data Journal and ZooKeys archive. The extracted information is expected to be 
used for assessing the value of citations, for instance by considering their 
position in the paper, their co-location with other citations or their purpose.

Participants will be requested to submit the LOD that their tool produces from 
the evaluation dataset, as well as a paper that describes their approach. They 
will also be given a set of queries in natural language form and will be asked 
to translate those queries into a SPARQL form that works on their LOD.
The results of the queries on the produced LOD will be compared with the 
expected output, and precision and recall will be measured to identify the best 
performing approach. Separately, the most original approach will be assigned by 
the Program Committee.
Further details about the evaluation will be provided on the challenge wiki.

A discussion group is open for participants to ask questions and to receive 
updates about the challenge (see link at bottom). Participants are invited to 
subscribe to this group as soon as possible and to communicate their intention 
to participate. They are also invited to use this channel to discuss problems 
in the input dataset and to suggest changes.

After a first round of review, the Program Committee and the chairs will select 
a number of submissions conforming to the challenge requirements that will be 
invited to present their work. Submissions accepted for presentation will 
receive constructive reviews from the Program Committee, they will be included 
in the Springer LNCS post-proceedings of ESWC, and they will have a 
presentation slot in a poster session dedicated to the challenge. 

In addition, the winners will present their work in a special slot of the main 
program of ESWC and will be invited to submit a revised and extended paper to a 
dedicated Semantic Web Journal special issue.

Four winners will be selected. For each of the two tasks we will select:
* best performing tool, given to the paper which will get the highest score in 
the evaluation
* most original approach, selected by the Challenge Committee with the 
reviewing process

Participants are required to submit:
* Abstract: no more than 200 words.
* Description: It should explain the details of the automated annotation 
system, including why the system is innovative, how it uses Semantic Web 
technology, what features or functions the system provides, what design choices 
were made and what lessons were learned. The description should also summarize 
how participants have addressed the evaluation tasks. An outlook towards how 
the data could be consumed is appreciated but not strictly required. Papers 
must be submitted in PDF format, following the style of the Springer's Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series 
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors), and not exceeding 5 pages 
in length.
* The Linked Open Dataset produced by their tool on the evaluation dataset (as 
a file or as a URL, in Turtle or RDF/XML). 
* A set of SPARQL queries that work on that LOD and correspond to the natural 
language queries provided as input

Participants will also be asked to submit their tool (source and/or binaries, 
or a link these can be downloaded from, or a web service URL) for verification 
Further submission instructions will be published on the challenge wiki.

All submissions should be provided via EasyChair 

We invite the potential participants to subscribe to our mailing list in order 
to be kept up to date with the latest news related to the challenge. 


* December 3, 2013: Publication of the full description of tasks, rules and 
queries; publication of the training/testing dataset
* January 15, 2014, 23:59 (Hawaii time): Deadline for making remarks to the 
training/testing dataset
* January 20, 2014: Publication of the final training/testing dataset
* March 7, 2014, 23:59 (Hawaii time): Abstract Submission
* March 11, 2014: Publication of the evaluation dataset
* March 14, 2014, 23:59 (Hawaii time): Submission
* April 9, 2014, 23:59 (Hawaii time): Notification of acceptance
* May 27-29, 2014: Challenge days

* Angelo Di Iorio (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University 
of Bologna, IT)
* Christoph Lange (Enterprise Information Systems, University of Bonn / 
Fraunhofer IAIS, DE)

Soren Auer (University of Bonn / Fraunhofer IAIS, DE) (supervisor)
Sarven Capadisli (University of Leipzig, DE)
Alexander Constantin (University of Manchester, UK)
Alexander Garcia Castro (Florida State University, US)
Leyla Jael Garcia Castro (Bundeswehr University of Munich, DE)
Aidan Hogan (DERI Galway, IR)
Evangelos Milios (Dalhousie University, CA)
Lyubomir Penev (Pensoft Publishers, BG)
Robert Stevens (University of Manchester, UK)
Jun Zhao (Lancaster University, UK)

We are inviting further members.

* Milan Stankovic (Sepage & Universite Paris-Sorbonne, FR)

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