On 1/17/14 6:25 PM, Tim Harsch wrote:
I am writing concerning the page at http://wiki.dbpedia.org/DatasetsLoaded

It lists the subset of the dbpedia download files that are loaded in the public SPARQL endpoint. I noticed a couple of issues with the list:

(1) The download files, listed on the page as: "infobox_properties_en" and "infobox_property_definitions_en", are actually called "raw_infobox_properties_en" and "raw_infobox_property_definitions_en".

(2) If I execute the following query:
   ?s rdfs:label ?label .
   FILTER (REGEX(STR(?label), "embarcadero", "i"))
} LIMIT 1000

on dbpedia, and on a local triple store with only the files from the page loaded, I get two different counts. I get 189 from dbpedia and 96 from my local store.

The public DBpedia SPARQL endpoint provides access to more than one named graph in the Virtuoso DB from which it is deployed. If your query against the DBpedia endpoint isn't scoped to the graph IRI <http://dbpedia.org> you will encounter these kinds of issues.



Kingsley Idehen 
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