Hi Alexandru,

I have a mapping dump handy from ~ last February, I think it makes no
difference but if you want a fresh one I can generate one for you.

The template mapping is also a good idea, the Airpedia guys already
generated a list of mappings, Maybe your script reuses their output?

btw, great to have you in GSoC ;)
You can add your self as a mentor here http://wiki.dbpedia.org/gsoc2014/
add yourself next to the ideas you like here:
and subscribe to the gsoc list :

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Alexandru Todor <to...@inf.fu-berlin.de>wrote:

>  Hi Dimitris,
> Having worked intensively on the mappings in the last couple of weeks,
> this is a feature I definitely want to implement asap.
> I've looked at the mediawiki API and it seems straight forward, although
> very sparsely documented [1],[2],[3] (if anyone knows more about the
> mediawiki api, please reply)
> What I would really love to have from you is a backup of the mappings wiki
> code and database. The database can be anonymized by excluding all password
> hashes except for the user ThermoS. I don't want to mess around with the
> mappings wiki directly, working with a backup is safer.
> Furthermore I think it would be good to extend this approach for the
> template mappings themselves and not only ontology labels.
> The workflow for mappings right now looks like this:
> - loop at mappings statistics and pick out a template that hasn't been
> mapped
> - look at the template in Wikipedia
> - look if there is an english version of the template
> - look if the template has been mapped in the english namespace
> - create a mapping that maps to the same class and matching properties
> - if there isn't a matching template / mapping do it your own way
> - in case there is a mapping in another namespace that mapps to a semantic
> equivalent class, now you have multiple classes/ properties in the ontology
> for the same template
> I started implementing a script that goes trough the mapping wiki, checks
> all templates that have been mapped in  one namespacace, and if there is an
> equivalent template in another language, that hasn't been mapped yet, it
> posts a link to the other mapping namespaces to look at how it has been
> mapped in the other languages. Furthermore I want to show  all the
> information need to make a mapping on one page, that is: local wikipedia
> entry for the template, wikipedia entry for the template that has been
> already mapped, the existing mapping in a different language, the dbpedia
> ontology and the mapping edit box.
> Of course if you do this you can also semi-automatically create mappings
> with the help of google translate and some statistical analysis, but in the
> end an editor should still look over if it makes sense.
> I would also like to apply to be a CO-Mentor or advisor for the GSOC
> points 4.4 and 4.9 (if it's not too late) since it would be good to have
> any tools that eventually get developed there integrated with this
> functionality.
> Cheers,
> Alexandru
> [1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Main_page
> [2] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Changing_wiki_content
> [3] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Tutorial
> On 02/15/2014 09:20 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
> Hi Alexandru,
>  That would be a very cool feature actually. I don't have any experience
> with the mw api but I can tweak [1] to get things in the format you want.
> I can also give you bot access in the mappings wiki - after we do some
> testing first of course;)
> btw, [1] is a page generated from the extraction framework (Server module)
> after we parse all the mappings & the ontology.
>  Cheers,
> Dimitris
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Alexandru Todor 
> <to...@inf.fu-berlin.de>wrote:
>>  Hi,
>> We're currently improving the German mappings, and adding missing labels
>> is proving really boring since you basically have to make hundreds of edits
>> for each class/property/datatype that is missing one. This wastes a
>> considerable amount of time. I was thinking of digging a bit trough the
>> Wikimedia API, printing a list of all the classes/properties/datatype
>> contents (english labels mostly) that are missing labels, translating them
>> all in one go and then committing everything back trough the API. I know
>> that some people allready have some experience with this since we have
>> pages like in [1] . If someone has any good tips on where to start to
>> implement such functionality, or if there already is a way to do add
>> mappings via an API, I would be very grateful for the help.
>> [1] http://mappings.dbpedia.org/server/ontology/labels/missing/de/
>> Kind Regards,
>> Alexandru Todor
>> Alexandru-Aurelian Todor
>> Freie Universität Berlin
>> Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
>> Institute of Computer Science
>> AG Corporate Semantic Web
>> Königin-Luise-Str. 24/26, room 116
>> 14195 Berlin
>> Germany
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> Kontokostas Dimitris
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