Hi Bernard,

concerning the extraction of knowledge from list pages, which is not a straight-forward problem as it may seem, we had a paper last year at the DBpedia&NLP workshop [1].

As far as up-to-date-ness is concerned: the current build of DBpedia is based on a dump from May 2013. However, mappings to YAGO may still be older, as they are not extracted freshly from Wikipedia when DBpedia is built, but from the YAGO version which is up to date at the time of the extraction [2].

Hope that helps,

[1] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1064/Paulheim_Extending_DBpedia.pdf
[2] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Downloads39#yago-links

Am 04.03.2014 10:52, schrieb Bernard Vatant:
Hello all

There are a lot of "List of ..." in Wikipedia, and I thought they were
somehow translated in DBpedia, but unless  I miss something, I don't see
anything equivalent to e.g.,
This list is pretty much up-to-date, including e.g., the recent changes in

The closer equivalent I could find is

... but I wonder what "Current" means here, since Nicolas Sarkozy is still
among the instances but not François Hollande (the latter replaced the
former in May 2012 for those who missed the event) Even if one does not
expect real-time data, this is quite a long delay for updating ...

Thanks for any clue on this.

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