On 3/10/14 3:08 PM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
Hi Maxime!

Have a look at<http://musicbrainz.org/>, it uses structured data, is freely
licensed, and they are very interested in integrating with Wikidata.

While Wikidata has finer granularity than Wikipedia, as far as I know you would
not be able to include just any piece by any artist. MusicBrainz's scope is
probably better suited for your project.

However, why only use one Database? Ideally, if there is a Wikidata item about
some entry on MusicBrainz, these would be linked to each other using the
appropriate properties. So, you could search MusicBrains and include information
from Wikidata if it is available (or vice versa).


In the light of your comments above, why can't Wikidata, Freebase, and DBpedia cross-reference is a natural way. All I see right now are the following, which I find suboptimal, for all the wrong reasons:

1. Wikidata cross references Freebase
2. Freebase cross references Wikidata
3. DBpedia cross references both, but makes bridge URIs in the DBpedia namespace to achieve this, in regards to Wikidata.

1-3 isn't how this should be working out on the Web of Linked Data.


[1] http://bit.ly/1lZyKy3 -- simple example of my claims re., an inability (for all the wrong reasons) for these projects to collaborate effectively (just follow-your-nose by clicking any of the links in the page to which this URI resolves).



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