I don't have a computer science background and am new to the SPARQL so I
apologize If I am asking stupid questions.
The way I understand SPRQL schema is that it imports instance files (
instance_types_XX.nt.gz ),property files ( mappingbased_properties_XX.nt.gz)
into some sort of tables and the Virtuso server links them together
through SPARQL queries.
Is there any document that explains how this works?
For example a query like
- ?s a dbpedia-owl:Actor , the results come from instance_types_XX.nt.gz
- ?s dbpedia-owl:starring ?o , the results come from probably
The http://wiki.dbpedia.org/Downloads39 page explains a but Is there any
other doc that explains these relationships/tables in more details?
This is important because we then know what files to import to a local
virtuoso server in case of memory issue/loading times
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