Hi all,
Here is a question I did ask on answers.semanticweb.com
But maybe this forum is more appropriate, so here is my question again:

Is there currently any way to get a timestamp about a DBPedia resource as 
The goal would be, in a scenario where a local copy of a resource is needed, to 
detect that a newer version has been published and then update the local copy.
It seems that the http-header "last-modified" is empty.
Or could we use the http-header "expires" data, but this doesn't seem to really 
reflect that the RDF data has been updated, does it ?
I guess there isn't a VoID description available for those linked data accessed 
from their URL ?
Thank you for any pointer
p.s. I got this comment on my previous post: Maybe you could also try to use 
the Wikipedia entry version related property dbpedia-owl:wikiPageRevisionID 
although this would probably not take into account modifications done apart 
from the extraction process.
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