On 2/19/15 4:49 PM, Patrick van Kleef wrote:
Hi Chris,

>In the DBpedia SPARQL endpoint [1], running
>PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
> >
> >
>PREFIX dbpedia2: <
> >
>SELECT ?a (3+3 AS ?y)
>    ?a dc:description "English footballer" .
>    ?a dbpedia2:placeOfBirth :Merseyside .
>Shows all English Footballers who were born in Merseyside, with column y just 
displaying the value 6 on every row [result link]; however, the same query on the 
SNORQL endpoint displays an error:
>Virtuoso 37000 Error SP030: SPARQL compiler, line 16: syntax error at '3'
>before 'AS' SPARQL query: define sql:big-data-const 0 #output-
>format:application/sparql-results+json define input:default-graph-uri PREFIX
>owl: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX rdf: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX dc: PREFIX :
>PREFIX dbpedia2: PREFIX dbpedia: PREFIX skos: PREFIX pos: PREFIX dbo: SELECT
>?a (3 3 AS ?y) WHERE { ?a dc:description "English footballer" . ?a
>dbpedia2:placeOfBirth :Merseyside . }
>Even more strangely, using any of the other 3 arithmetic operators does work 
in the SNORQL endpoint (e.g. with division [5])
>A previous question [6] on Stackoverflow has implied that the SPARQL and 
SNORQL endpoints should return the same result, so what's going on here?!
The snorql code was using the wrong method to encode the query string before 
calling the real /sparql interface.

It was using the very old 'escape()' javascript function which does not encode 
the + character as a special character.

It then uses that escaped string to call the real /sparql endpoint.

When the /sparql endpoint decodes the &query=XXXX3+3YYYYY string it decodes the 
+ character as a space thereby creating a syntax error in your query.

I fixed the snorql code onhttp://dbpedia.org  to use the encodeURIComponent 
function which is the proper way of embedding a query as a parameter argument 
in a URL.

Fix confirmed:

Hopefully, someone could help closing out the case on Stackoverflow [1] ?

[1] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/about/id/entity/http/stackoverflow.com/questions/28611127/dbpedias-sparql-and-snorql-returning-different-results .


Kingsley Idehen 
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