
My group is developing a information technology ontology to help us 
dealing with the dependencies between the many kinds of hardware and 
software. In order to populate the relevant individuals (in our case, 
mostly software versions) a link with dbpedia would be helpful in 
providing raw data for the experts during technology instantiation, mostly 
properties related to the Software and ProgrammingLanguage classes. 

In interacting with dbpedia, it would be nice to be able to edit some 
parts of your ontology, providing portuguese translations for labels and 
descriptions, and also to participate in the discussion of some structural 
issues, for example if it makes sense for PrommingLanguage to be a 
subclass of Software. ( In my opinion, it does not, since a programing 
language is not software, it is a way to encode software. Just as English 
is not Literature, but a semiotic code used to produce literature. )

In order to be able to contribute to the project, which in my opinion is a 
valuable asset, please grant my user (jaccoud) editing rights. The e-mail 
address assigned to the account is the address of the sender of this 

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Information Technology - Technical Architecture Group

tel: +55 (21) 2116-7507
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