Hello Dimitris, 

Thank you. 

I am sending you in attachment a complete entity from my historic data. (chosen 

It's a little difficult to find the data about an entity in particular, because 
of the huge size of the file generated by my extractor. (55 Go) 


----- Mail original -----

> De: "Dimitris Kontokostas" <jimk...@gmail.com>
> À: "Raphael Boyer" <raphael.bo...@inria.fr>
> Cc: "DBpedia" <dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net>
> Envoyé: Jeudi 21 Janvier 2016 14:40:30
> Objet: Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] DBpedia FR Historic Data Test

> Thanks Raphael, looks promising

> Can you post a complete example of historic data you keep for a resource?
> e.g. Tour_Eiffel
> It would be easier to see what data you keep and how you model them.

> Looking forward to see your presentation on this on the next DBpedia meeting
> in Hague
> http://wiki.dbpedia.org/meetings/TheHague2016

> Cheers,
> Dimitris

> On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Raphael Boyer < raphael.bo...@inria.fr >
> wrote:

> > Dear community,

> > The french chapter is testing a new type of data with DBpedia, that contain
> > data from historic dump files in addition to the data from fr.dbpedia.org .

> > I invite you to test it. Please contact me if you encounter a problem.
> > http://dbpedia-test-fr.inria.fr/historique/sparql
> > You can find in attachment, an example of the used structure.
> > You can find for each entity :
> > - The number of revision
> > - The number of contributor
> > - The number of revison per month and per year
> > - The average size of the article per month and per year
> > - The date of creation
> > - Also includes information for each revision of the article:
> > - The relative size ( number of letter since the last revision ) ( makes it
> > easy to detect deletions )
> > - The size ( number of letter )
> > - The nickname (or IP ) of the contributor. ( and if the contributor is a
> > bot
> > or not)
> > - The modification date
> > - And the commentary of the contributor
> > I give you also two example request :
> > It find the most modified article during october 2015 (with the number of
> > revisions) :
> > prefix swp: < http://www.w3.org/2004/03/trix/swp-2/ >
> > prefix dbfr: < http://ns.inria.fr/dbpediafr/voc# >
> > prefix dc: < http://contextus.net/ontology/ontomedia/misc/date# >
> > select ?x ?c where {
> > ?x dbfr:revPerMonth [ dc: date "10/2015"^^<
> > http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#gYearMonth >; rdf:value ?c ] .
> > FILTER(!regex (str(?x),"Wikipédia:") && !regex (str(?x),"Utilisateur:") &&
> > !regex (str(?x),"Portail:") && !regex (str(?x),"Catégorie:") && !regex
> > (str(?x),"Discussion_") && !regex (str(?x),"Modèle:") && !regex
> > (str(?x),"Projet:") )
> > }
> > LIMIT 100

> > Test it

> > It find the most modified article from the begining (with the number of
> > revisions) :

> > prefix swp: < http://www.w3.org/2004/03/trix/swp-2/ >
> > select ?x ?c where {
> > ?x swp:isVersion ?c .
> > FILTER(?c > 2000 && !regex (str(?x),"Utilisateur:") && !regex
> > (str(?x),"Portail:") && !regex (str(?x),"Catégorie:") && !regex
> > (str(?x),"Discussion_") && !regex (str(?x),"Modèle:") && !regex
> > (str(?x),"Projet:") )
> > }
> > LIMIT 200

> > Test it
> > With regards
> > Raphaël Boyer
> > WIMMICS Team
> > France

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> --
> Kontokostas Dimitris

Attachment: ExampleEntityHistoric.ttl.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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