Dear Anna Lisa,

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You may find the decision here and please keep it in mind for future

Best regards,

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Anna Lisa Gentile <> wrote:

> *--------------------------- SEMANTIC WEB JOURNAL  - Call for papers:
> SPECIAL ISSUE ON Linked Data for Information Extraction
> --------------------------- *Submission deadline: 07 April 2017,
> Hawaii-Time
> --------------------
> * Information Extraction (IE) is the task of automatically extracting
> structured information from unstructured and/or semi-structured
> machine-readable documents. It is a crucial technology to enable the
> Semantic Web vision. One of the major bottlenecks for the current state of
> the art in IE is the availability of learning materials (e.g., seed data,
> training corpora), which, traditionally are manually created but are
> expensive to build and maintain. Linked Data (LD) defines best practices
> for exposing, sharing, and connecting data, information, and knowledge on
> the Semantic Web using uniform means such as URIs and RDF. It has so far
> created a gigantic knowledge source of Linked Open Data (LOD), which now
> constitutes billions of triples (facts). This has created unprecedented
> opportunities for Information Extraction. Linked Data offers a uniform
> approach to link resources uniquely identifiable by URIs. This creates a
> large knowledge base of entities and concepts, connected by semantic
> relations. Such resources can be valuable resources to seed distant
> learning. Moreover, initiatives such as RDFa (supported by W3C) or
> Microformats (used by <> and supported by major
> search engines) constantly produce a vast amount of annotated web pages
> which can be used as training data in the traditional machine learning
> paradigm. However, powering IE using LOD faces major challenges. First,
> discovering relevant learning materials on LOD for specific IE tasks is
> non-trivial due to (i) the highly heterogeneous vocabularies used by data
> publishers and (ii) the lack of contextual information for annotated
> content on web pages (e.g., annotations often predominantly found in page
> headers) and the skewed distribution towards popular entities. Users are
> often required to be familiar with the datasets, vocabularies, as well as
> query languages that data publishers use to expose their data.
> Unfortunately, considering the sheer size and the diversity of LOD,
> imposing such requirements on users is infeasible. Second, it is known that
> the coverage of domains can be very imbalanced and for certain domains the
> data can be very sparse. Furthermore, the majority of LOD are created
> automatically by converting legacy databases with limited or no human
> validation, thus data inconsistency and redundancy are widespread. Another
> crucial aspect in IE research is the shift of attention from purely
> unstructured text to semi-structured content. Two main source of interest
> are Web tables and Open Data (often available as csv files). These data are
> particularly rich of content and relations but often lack contextual data,
> often used in classical IE methods. The aim of this special issue is to
> foster research on methodologies that exploit Linked Data for Information
> Extraction, to answer questions such as: to what extent can we identify
> domain-specific learning resources for IE; how to identify and deal with
> noise in the learning resources; how can these learning resources be used
> to train IE models, both for classical unstructured text and for
> semi-structured content; and how should the information extracted by such
> models integrate into the existing LOD. Topics of Interest
> ------------------------------ We solicit original papers addressing the
> challenges and research questions mentioned above. Topics of interest are
> listed (but not limited to) the ones below. Note that work must make use of
> Linked Data of any form and must be related to Information Extraction in
> some way. Please contact the editors if in doubt. - Methods for generating
> seed data for IE (e.g., distant supervision) from Linked Data - Methods for
> identifying labelled data for IE from the annotated webpage content under
> the initiative such as RDFa and Microdata format (
> <>) - IE tasks exploiting Linked Data in any form, such as
> (not limited to)     * wrapper induction     * table annotation     * named
> entity recognition     * relation extraction     * ontology population,
> ontology expansion (A-box)     * ontology learning (T-box) - Methods for
> identifying and reducing noise in the context of IE tasks - Disambiguation
> using Linked Data - IE for knowledge graph construction Submission
> Instructions ----------------------------- Submissions shall be made
> through the Semantic Web journal website at
> <>.
> Prospective authors must take notice of the submission guidelines posted at
> <>. Note that you need to
> request an account on the website for submitting a paper. Please indicate
> in the cover letter that it is for the "Linked Data for Information
> Extraction" special issue. All manuscripts will be reviewed based on the
> SWJ open and transparent review policy and will be made available online
> during the review process. Guest editors -------------------- Anna Lisa
> Gentile, University of Mannheim, Germany Ziqi Zhang, Nottingham Trent
> University, UK The call is also available at the official journal website:
> <>
> *
> --
> Anna Lisa Gentile
> Postdoctoral Researcher
> Data and Web Science Group
> University of Mannheim
> email:
> office: +49 621 181 2646
> skype: anlige
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
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