[Please forward to all people who have been waiting for new DBpedia releases.]

[Responses and questions can also go into https://forum.dbpedia.org]

Dear all,

we built a complex, automated, test-driven system around the DBpedia releases to allow the community to debug and extend the data and tools better. The system is partially implemented and documented, meaning:

* from now on there will be monthly DBpedia releases

* they are *neither as complete* as the last big release *nor perfect*, but decent and they will improve each month with your contribution

* the system feels more effective as in: we found it much easier to locate and fix issues due to automatic testing URI patterns, N-Triples syntax and soon SHACL on Minidumps (triggered on software git commit) and on the final large dumps.

* two former community extensions were submitted already: DBkWik <https://databus.dbpedia.org/sven-h/dbkwik/dbkwik/2019.09.02> and LinkedHypernyms <https://databus.dbpedia.org/propan/lhd/linked-hypernyms/2016.04.01>

Only technical documentation is available at the moment. No summary statistics yet, i.e. we don't know yet how well we are doing overall.

* How to download: http://dev.dbpedia.org/Download_DBpedia

* How to improve: http://dev.dbpedia.org/Improve_DBpedia

* They can be browsed via http://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia but thereĀ  docu is incomplete and the query and collection builder is untested

Also next week, 12th of September, DBpedia will meet at SEMANTiCS 2019 <https://wiki.dbpedia.org/events/14th-dbpedia-community-meeting-karlsruhe>

All the best,
Sebastian Hellmann

Director of Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies (KILT) Competence Center
at the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University
Executive Director of the DBpedia Association
Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://nlp2rdf.org, http://linguistics.okfn.org, https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt <http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt>
Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann
Research Group: http://aksw.org
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