Hello Daniel,

Great to meet you! And sorry for the delay but this week has been rather busy. For the keyword search and QA, please first read the papers pointed out in the description of the keyword search task [1] (especially SESSA, which is the key paper for this task) to get an idea of existing solutions. The warmup task for keyword search would consist of implementing a module for loading a fact-based representation of DBpedia into a database (could be a graph database or a triple store. I think a graph database world work best due to the spreading activation paradigm that we aim to use.). We will then aim to implement an efficient spreading activation based on this representation. This step is necessary to implement the keyword-based search approach envisioned. Thereafter, we can have a look at the dictionaries necessary to ground the entries of the users. For question answering, the warmup task would consists of creating a lookup solution for classes, properties and resources.

Best regards,

[1] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/gsoc2015/ideas#h460-5
Hello everyone.
My name is Daniel, I'm currently a third year student pursuing a Bachelor of Applied Math degree in Odessa National University in Ukraine. I'm interested in contributing to DBPedia project, because I believe that pushing the boundaries of mankind's knowledge is important, and artificial intelligence in general and knowledge bases in particular are among the most promising fields of science. I have 2.5 year programming experience in general and 1 year experince in particular in Java programming (Android apps and high-load web services development). I want to improve dbpedia's QA engine, but I can also work on search engine or statistics, error reporting tools. How can I learn in detail about this tasks (requirements, desirable outcome etc.)
Thanks in advance,

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