Hi guys,
I have a couple questions then

> We would really suggest changing the current server,
> as building a new server will probably not be as sustainable.
 I understand, and agree. : )

I see that the dbpedia-live-mirror feeder already updates the triple store
for the Virtuoso server that runs the SPARQL endpoint. Does it do that
through SPARQL *update* queries? (i.e. 1. Get new changeset; 2. Convert the
changes in the changeset to SPARQL update queries; 3. Run the queries on
the SPARQL endpoint; 4. The endpoint is now updated)

If that's the case, then the change to Server.js would have to do one of
the following:
1. Update the HDT file (According to What is HDT
<http://www.rdfhdt.org/what-is-hdt/>, HDF is a read-only format, so it
might not be feasible).
2. Possibly, keep an in-memory cache of triples, where we would keep
modified triples permanently (This could potentially raise the memory
requirements of the server...)
3. Keep a file in disk, in a format that can be written to/read from
efficiently, and keep information about updated triples here (This seems
like a reasonable option...)
4. Maybe something else. Suggestions?

If that's the case, then to 'start up' a 'Live' TPFS, we need to know the
time when the HDT file was generated, and then we need to run the 'triple
update' function over all the triples that have been changed since then.
Correct? (This would make startup potentially quite slow, but I guess
that's okay).

Does this make sense? Am I following the right leads? : )

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