
To my understanding the status of the main issues and comments made on 
draft-ietf-dccp-udpencap-02 is as follows:

* checksum calculation -- it seems that the rough consensus is to keep with the 
current approach, i.e., UDP checksum is calculated and DCCP checksum is 
disabled, and therefore partial checksums are not available with UDP 
encapsulation. Some additional text is needed to discuss the tradeoffs and 
reasoning why this approach was taken.

* default src/dst ports -- the current text is to be clarified to be more 
specific on how the UDP ports are set on outgoing packet and what is to be 
expected on incoming packets

* ICMP handling -- needs to be discussed in the draft, after outlining on the 
mailing list the main points on what is to be said

* Clarifying the limitations of SDP with NATs in Sec. 5.1 -- will be done in 
the next version

* Text on handling DCCP-UDP in firewalls in Sec. 6 -- There were comments by 
Gorry on August 31, but it is unclear if we have reached consensus. How is it?

(in addition to smaller nits)

Do we have common understanding of the above?

The cut-off deadline for IETF-79 is in one and a half weeks, Oct 25. Unless 
there are disagreements of the issues, it would be good to have the next 
version available by then, so that we can punt it forward (possibly after a 
short review period for the changes).

- Pasi

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